The real left understand that the "Left" are just courtiers for the capitalist owners that utilize "critical" language and constructs that make them appear to be radical, but this radicalism never extends to issues of political economy as that would point the finger at their paymasters and they would rapidly lose career opportunities and…
The real left understand that the "Left" are just courtiers for the capitalist owners that utilize "critical" language and constructs that make them appear to be radical, but this radicalism never extends to issues of political economy as that would point the finger at their paymasters and they would rapidly lose career opportunities and quite possibly their jobs. Gramsci (who the "Left" love to cherry-pick disconnected phrases and concepts from) had that all worked out in a prison cell in the 1920s! By making the lives of the "Left" ever more precarious, the capitalist owners tighten their control over them.
The real left understand that the "Left" are just courtiers for the capitalist owners that utilize "critical" language and constructs that make them appear to be radical, but this radicalism never extends to issues of political economy as that would point the finger at their paymasters and they would rapidly lose career opportunities and quite possibly their jobs. Gramsci (who the "Left" love to cherry-pick disconnected phrases and concepts from) had that all worked out in a prison cell in the 1920s! By making the lives of the "Left" ever more precarious, the capitalist owners tighten their control over them.