1-"Any presentation of a “solution” implies three components. They are (1) what you think the problem is about (2) what you plan to do and (3) the situation you hope and expect to produce at the end"
In summary, per Yogi Berra, "If you do not know where you are going, you might never get there".
1-"Any presentation of a “solution” implies three components. They are (1) what you think the problem is about (2) what you plan to do and (3) the situation you hope and expect to produce at the end"
In summary, per Yogi Berra, "If you do not know where you are going, you might never get there".
2-"In the words of one academic to whom I outlined this analysis many years ago: '“you’re just going to let them die then?” But this is a misreading of the situation, as well as a form of emotional blackmail. It’s really a question of recognising limitations, and especially what’s impossible."
I do not see the statements of your academic interlocutor as misreading the situation or as emotional
blackmail. Had the West stopped butressing israel when it unloaded its unwanted jews in Palestine, a
much fairer local equilibrium could have been possible. Perhaps those who sent the US armadas, US,
British and French SF, and plane loads of ordnance to israel , do envision a "possible". We would
have seen such a solution in the Ukraine had the Russians been weaker. In that case it was
"impossible", much to the chagrin of "cookies, F the EU" nudelman and her compatriots.
Overall, November 7th has shown the bankruptcy of the "Western Liberalism" to all and sundry. Was this worth the 5000+ dead children of Gaza? perhaps it is. This is ~ 2 orders of magnitude smaller than what Madeleine Albreight thought "was worth it" to subjugate Iraq and make the Middle East suitable for the izzies.
I wonder what will transpire after the "fat lady sings".
A few points, not in any order:
1-"Any presentation of a “solution” implies three components. They are (1) what you think the problem is about (2) what you plan to do and (3) the situation you hope and expect to produce at the end"
In summary, per Yogi Berra, "If you do not know where you are going, you might never get there".
2-"In the words of one academic to whom I outlined this analysis many years ago: '“you’re just going to let them die then?” But this is a misreading of the situation, as well as a form of emotional blackmail. It’s really a question of recognising limitations, and especially what’s impossible."
I do not see the statements of your academic interlocutor as misreading the situation or as emotional
blackmail. Had the West stopped butressing israel when it unloaded its unwanted jews in Palestine, a
much fairer local equilibrium could have been possible. Perhaps those who sent the US armadas, US,
British and French SF, and plane loads of ordnance to israel , do envision a "possible". We would
have seen such a solution in the Ukraine had the Russians been weaker. In that case it was
"impossible", much to the chagrin of "cookies, F the EU" nudelman and her compatriots.
Overall, November 7th has shown the bankruptcy of the "Western Liberalism" to all and sundry. Was this worth the 5000+ dead children of Gaza? perhaps it is. This is ~ 2 orders of magnitude smaller than what Madeleine Albreight thought "was worth it" to subjugate Iraq and make the Middle East suitable for the izzies.
I wonder what will transpire after the "fat lady sings".
Ishmael Zechariah