If Western governments are sending money, weapons, and bodies (via dual citizenship passport holders) to Israel, parking their massive fleet nearby and flying reconissance missions to gather intelligence for Israel, all the while literally criminalizing protests for anti-genocide, then it's definitely not a "not my fight" situation yet.
If Western governments are sending money, weapons, and bodies (via dual citizenship passport holders) to Israel, parking their massive fleet nearby and flying reconissance missions to gather intelligence for Israel, all the while literally criminalizing protests for anti-genocide, then it's definitely not a "not my fight" situation yet.
If the "West" actually stopped caring, as in stop heaving their entire weight onto the scale on behalf of Israel - Israel would cease to exist. AIPAC and ADL would be outlawed for illegal interference with US domestic politics. Israel would not receive further US funding due to holding uninspected and undeclared nuclear weapons. No more Israeli iron dome dude to lack of American missiles. UN would sanctions Israel for flagrant violations of international law. Iran would send in the Quds force without fear of US nuclear retaliation.
If Western governments are sending money, weapons, and bodies (via dual citizenship passport holders) to Israel, parking their massive fleet nearby and flying reconissance missions to gather intelligence for Israel, all the while literally criminalizing protests for anti-genocide, then it's definitely not a "not my fight" situation yet.
If the "West" actually stopped caring, as in stop heaving their entire weight onto the scale on behalf of Israel - Israel would cease to exist. AIPAC and ADL would be outlawed for illegal interference with US domestic politics. Israel would not receive further US funding due to holding uninspected and undeclared nuclear weapons. No more Israeli iron dome dude to lack of American missiles. UN would sanctions Israel for flagrant violations of international law. Iran would send in the Quds force without fear of US nuclear retaliation.