"The “Left” as it now exists in most western countries consists overwhelmingly of these middle-class elitists, who have lost whatever acquaintance they had with the genuine ideologies of the Left, but have retained or inherited the sense of entitlement and the distrust of the capabilities of people like you and me. For such movements, no…
"The “Left” as it now exists in most western countries consists overwhelmingly of these middle-class elitists, who have lost whatever acquaintance they had with the genuine ideologies of the Left, but have retained or inherited the sense of entitlement and the distrust of the capabilities of people like you and me. For such movements, nothing could be more unacceptable than seeing ordinary people organising themselves and collectively expressing their wishes. And since ordinary people are basically stupid, then if they express ideas which differ from the Right Ideas, it must be because they have been propagandised by rival forces: notably the dreaded fascists. They must be cajoled and harassed into the Right Way of Thinking."
If you see the "left" parties in Europe and the US as the class consciousness of the PMC made manifest, everything makes sense. The masses are too cloddish, backward, unintelligent, and unfashionable to be entrusted with any real power, while We The Better Sort of People, the educated professionals who would never do something so oafish as misgender someone, we will use that power much more wisely.
At the same time, contemporary left discourse does not require the rulers to give up any part of The Goodies.
The PMC can have it both ways. Demand more more power because of their self-evidently superior virtue, but at the same time, the existing distribution of wealth in their favor is obviously just and proper.
"The “Left” as it now exists in most western countries consists overwhelmingly of these middle-class elitists, who have lost whatever acquaintance they had with the genuine ideologies of the Left, but have retained or inherited the sense of entitlement and the distrust of the capabilities of people like you and me. For such movements, nothing could be more unacceptable than seeing ordinary people organising themselves and collectively expressing their wishes. And since ordinary people are basically stupid, then if they express ideas which differ from the Right Ideas, it must be because they have been propagandised by rival forces: notably the dreaded fascists. They must be cajoled and harassed into the Right Way of Thinking."
If you see the "left" parties in Europe and the US as the class consciousness of the PMC made manifest, everything makes sense. The masses are too cloddish, backward, unintelligent, and unfashionable to be entrusted with any real power, while We The Better Sort of People, the educated professionals who would never do something so oafish as misgender someone, we will use that power much more wisely.
At the same time, contemporary left discourse does not require the rulers to give up any part of The Goodies.
The PMC can have it both ways. Demand more more power because of their self-evidently superior virtue, but at the same time, the existing distribution of wealth in their favor is obviously just and proper.