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I would say that european governments serve as prison bitches to their American Master, but that would be an insult to decent and honest prison bitches.

This is also why the author's thesis, that diverging interests in the anti-Russian coalition will lead to a settlement, is false. There are no such divergences, as there is only one interest that counts, that of the United States. The interests of the United States' catamites in and out of europe count for nothing, any more than anyone takes the interests of a prison bitch into account.

The United States will lose its position if the war does not end on favorable terms. Therefore, the war will continue. Nobody will ask the catamites their opinions.

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I don't think that US have a lot to lose in this conflict. Surely, a blow to their reputation of the world's policeman will be significant, but they took reputational hits in Vietnam and recently Afghanistan, yet the sky didn't fall to earth in both cases. If America is going to lose its world leadership, that will be due to the slow shifts in big numbers like GDP etc., not because of losing in another regional proxy war.

More than two years into war, I still can't make sense of US actions. Ukraine is definitely not a strategically important country for them. It can be valuable for Russia, but only when and if diplomatic relations with Europe thaw. Other than that, it has only nostalgic and romantic nationalist value for the Russians. But for America, it's mostly useless (though of course some people make some money out of it, but so is any regional conflict in any part of the world the US is involved in)

Other than the far-fetched theory that the Ukraine is a US vehicle for weakening Europe, only irrational factors come to mind. For example, inexplainable sheer neocon spite towards Russia which was well-observed even in 1990s. Or maybe some kind of WW2 cosplay, born out of a childish, black-and-white worldview, which became a norm for post-1960s hypermoralistic (in their own twisted way) generations which hold abstract "principles and values" over common sense and act like they live in a Star Wars or Harry Potter universe.

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Ukraine is of interest to the United States solely to the extent it can serve as a threat to Russia.

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It could be a threat even after possible Istanbul accords, yet Americans and British rejected them.

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Because the United States smelled blood.

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The USA has a lot to loose in Ukraine in the bond markets. The war is vital for the USA to raise collateral for it's bonds and debts as well as cutting of the trade flows of eurasia to maintain the maritime empire that sustains the dollar.

A loss here will further weaken the dollar, and may loosen huge chunks of Europe from it's grip. Not only eastern Ukraine but Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, former yugoslavia. All of it depend on control over odessa

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As far as I know, US bond market hardly ever moved because of news from Ukraine. And honestly I don't see how Ukraine, which does not even access to the open seas (Black Sea is only semi-open) events can affect world maritime trade further.

I think Americans generally are too much obsessed with posturing, giving "examples", setting "role models" and doing other symbolic things while paying too little attention to material, tangible stuff. Consider this extremely idiotic idea that the Ukraine is somehow "key" to Taiwan and "if we let Putin succeed in Ukraine blah blah blah", this will embolden China to attack Taiwan. Yes that's military propaganda, but I'm totally sure there are a lot of high-powered Americans really believe in this BS. The simple idea that if they want to defend Taiwan it would be cheaper to arm it to the teeth, not to squander your weapon stocks in Ukraine just for buffing or nerfing someone's morale. We can dig a little deeper into the culture and see the same patterns, like the best way to promote success among black people is to make them main characters in half of nowadays' Hollywood movies and tv series, even in historical dramas where they absolutely don't make any sense.

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