A great essay and many thanks, but I repeat my comments from my earlier post on your last [ also great] essay;
1. Russia is not playing games and the terms of any likely peace will prove indigestable for NATO nations; and
2 There is an assumption that NATO leaders have accurate intelligence and are basically rational.
There are huge escalation risks present in the current situation. My view is that Russia sees this as an existential fight. If the west sees this the same then we have - interesting times....
A great essay and many thanks, but I repeat my comments from my earlier post on your last [ also great] essay;
1. Russia is not playing games and the terms of any likely peace will prove indigestable for NATO nations; and
2 There is an assumption that NATO leaders have accurate intelligence and are basically rational.
There are huge escalation risks present in the current situation. My view is that Russia sees this as an existential fight. If the west sees this the same then we have - interesting times....