Conscription! That brings back memories. Back in the day every eighteen year old male in Sweden was wetted for two days by the military.
I managed to get kicked out of the wetting process on the first day, which made my friends very impressed. Being found unfit after the tests were over was uncommon, but it happened. Actively trying to be…
Conscription! That brings back memories. Back in the day every eighteen year old male in Sweden was wetted for two days by the military.
I managed to get kicked out of the wetting process on the first day, which made my friends very impressed. Being found unfit after the tests were over was uncommon, but it happened. Actively trying to be thrown out and succeeding, without being conspicuous enough to be sent to jail for refusal — that was quite an accomplishment.
Most of my friends weren’t as skilled as I was, so they ended up doing the service for a year.
P was made a guard. He never mentioned anything about shooting a gun, I don’t think he ever did. He spent his time in a boot, watching vcr and occasionally opening a gate by remote control. He was really into film, so he loved the military.
My friend F was sent to an air defence regiment. I think he actually received some kind of training, but on leave he got drunk and held up a fast food joint armed with a fork. He was convicted of armed robbery and thus kicked out of the military.
My friend K was placed in an elite regiment way up north. When given an AK he fired it before receiving instructions. The kickback knocked him unconscious, after which he was asked to kindly leave and not come back.
I think general conscription should be a requirement for membership of the UN: in today’s world it would make war virtually impossible.
Conscription! That brings back memories. Back in the day every eighteen year old male in Sweden was wetted for two days by the military.
I managed to get kicked out of the wetting process on the first day, which made my friends very impressed. Being found unfit after the tests were over was uncommon, but it happened. Actively trying to be thrown out and succeeding, without being conspicuous enough to be sent to jail for refusal — that was quite an accomplishment.
Most of my friends weren’t as skilled as I was, so they ended up doing the service for a year.
P was made a guard. He never mentioned anything about shooting a gun, I don’t think he ever did. He spent his time in a boot, watching vcr and occasionally opening a gate by remote control. He was really into film, so he loved the military.
My friend F was sent to an air defence regiment. I think he actually received some kind of training, but on leave he got drunk and held up a fast food joint armed with a fork. He was convicted of armed robbery and thus kicked out of the military.
My friend K was placed in an elite regiment way up north. When given an AK he fired it before receiving instructions. The kickback knocked him unconscious, after which he was asked to kindly leave and not come back.
I think general conscription should be a requirement for membership of the UN: in today’s world it would make war virtually impossible.