Very much appreachiated your essays – THX.
It reminds me on the words of Col. D. MacGregor in his todays interview on his YT canal.
Foccussing on your topic :
- Disruption of the west European continent-, especially its military capabilities, and even its “decomposition” ( á la the old STASI method of “Zersetzung”) from within using cu…
It reminds me on the words of Col. D. MacGregor in his todays interview on his YT canal.
Foccussing on your topic :
- Disruption of the west European continent-, especially its military capabilities, and even its “decomposition” ( á la the old STASI method of “Zersetzung”) from within using cultural Marxism IS ONE OF THE TOP REQUIREMENTS for the so called “Great Reset” the WEF-DAVOS-Satanist Clique has envisioned. – Sadly, you stopped there and left that out of your sight. When a matter of such far reaching consequenses as a nations, even a continents, military is touched there are aims the major players have in mind. In politics nothing comes without an intent.
- As Klaus Schwab, the Mother-WEF-er himself, declard so loudly : they have in all of the + 200 nations on earth THEIR People installed in the power apparatuses. And not only did/ and does- their cultural Marxism work, it is also the syncronicity with which they operate : Be reminded of the outbreak of the so called Corona scam-pandemic : Nearly the same measures in all of the + 200 nations on earth at ONCE. THAT was one show of who-is-who. Meaning : after the end that you foresee there IS very much more to come. And if we all do not want THAT, well, then better get started sooner.
- One of the nightmare scenarios you described : the drug cartels as warlords to which people have to go if they wish some level of protection and safety on future planning. I I would rather call that the Mad-Max-World. Exactly this is what the WEF-ers would love to see : as they assume people would turn to them for “help” and stability. Thereby accepting all measures that would be considered unacceptable before.
- Result : I rather suggest that, instead of thinking through a possible instable world, it is advisable to erect now in everydays small steps a world that makes the national-& international superstructures and companies, the oligarchs, the finance giants such as Blackrock at. al. unnecessary. Have that alternate form of existence thought through and developed. And I am not only thinking only about all-day-cash-day, or going local and creating local currencies. Coming to military security : WE ALL, it seems to me, should – in these terms – talk also about the recent assault on the health of all of the earths populace by a handful of oligarchs who like to drastically reduce population by 15 out of 16. THAT is the real security matter.
Just for the interested reader : An answer to the question : “ How did we get here ?” is given by : Whitney Webb. Just look her up, for instance her recent interviews on the two volume book about the national security and – control state in the US.
What in the world are you talking about? Why reference some obscure, long dead GDR "Zersetzung" stuff, when we have over half a century of "COINTELPRO" far more people are familiar with?
"Cultural Marxism IS ONE OF THE TOP REQUIREMENTS for the so called “Great Reset” the WEF-DAVOS-Satanist Clique has envisioned" - What is this nonsense? Are you just writing down all the "scary" words you know, or something? What does Marxism have anything to do with it?
Very much appreachiated your essays – THX.
It reminds me on the words of Col. D. MacGregor in his todays interview on his YT canal.
Foccussing on your topic :
- Disruption of the west European continent-, especially its military capabilities, and even its “decomposition” ( á la the old STASI method of “Zersetzung”) from within using cultural Marxism IS ONE OF THE TOP REQUIREMENTS for the so called “Great Reset” the WEF-DAVOS-Satanist Clique has envisioned. – Sadly, you stopped there and left that out of your sight. When a matter of such far reaching consequenses as a nations, even a continents, military is touched there are aims the major players have in mind. In politics nothing comes without an intent.
- As Klaus Schwab, the Mother-WEF-er himself, declard so loudly : they have in all of the + 200 nations on earth THEIR People installed in the power apparatuses. And not only did/ and does- their cultural Marxism work, it is also the syncronicity with which they operate : Be reminded of the outbreak of the so called Corona scam-pandemic : Nearly the same measures in all of the + 200 nations on earth at ONCE. THAT was one show of who-is-who. Meaning : after the end that you foresee there IS very much more to come. And if we all do not want THAT, well, then better get started sooner.
- One of the nightmare scenarios you described : the drug cartels as warlords to which people have to go if they wish some level of protection and safety on future planning. I I would rather call that the Mad-Max-World. Exactly this is what the WEF-ers would love to see : as they assume people would turn to them for “help” and stability. Thereby accepting all measures that would be considered unacceptable before.
- Result : I rather suggest that, instead of thinking through a possible instable world, it is advisable to erect now in everydays small steps a world that makes the national-& international superstructures and companies, the oligarchs, the finance giants such as Blackrock at. al. unnecessary. Have that alternate form of existence thought through and developed. And I am not only thinking only about all-day-cash-day, or going local and creating local currencies. Coming to military security : WE ALL, it seems to me, should – in these terms – talk also about the recent assault on the health of all of the earths populace by a handful of oligarchs who like to drastically reduce population by 15 out of 16. THAT is the real security matter.
Just for the interested reader : An answer to the question : “ How did we get here ?” is given by : Whitney Webb. Just look her up, for instance her recent interviews on the two volume book about the national security and – control state in the US.
What in the world are you talking about? Why reference some obscure, long dead GDR "Zersetzung" stuff, when we have over half a century of "COINTELPRO" far more people are familiar with?
"Cultural Marxism IS ONE OF THE TOP REQUIREMENTS for the so called “Great Reset” the WEF-DAVOS-Satanist Clique has envisioned" - What is this nonsense? Are you just writing down all the "scary" words you know, or something? What does Marxism have anything to do with it?